Roots and wings...
It's happening again...moms and dads across the country are sending their "not so little anymore" sons and daughters off to the great big...

Cows and horses, 101
Every time we do something with cows or horses, there are little tidbits of lessons learned long ago, that pop into my head. They float...

Just a ranch mom...
I've heard this phrase said a lot over much of my life. I see it now in social media posts and comments and it makes me wonder if those...

Mama rode the circle horse...
“You’re going to ride with me Cowboy. Mama’s on the circle horse…” It’s been a while since I’ve heard those words. I generally am not...

I know now
I know, now, why Mom and Dad left the way they did in September of 1999, from the lawn on the campus of EOU.. We took Katlyn to school...

The world is your oyster...
We celebrated Katlyn's next steps in life, last weekend, and had a graduation/going away party. In a couple of weeks, she, like so many...

Senioritis...Take 2
Yep, that's right. Take 2. Not only is Husbeast's baby girl headed off to college this fall, but his baby, baby girl is going to be a...

Letting Go...
I remember, not that long ago, my mom and I listening to two specific songs as I prepared to head off to college. Letting Go by Suzy...