I'll take the dirt road...
Sometimes you just have to bust out in poem form to express your feelings... it's also totally acceptable to give it some rhythm and sort...

Just a ranch mom...
I've heard this phrase said a lot over much of my life. I see it now in social media posts and comments and it makes me wonder if those...

Mama rode the circle horse...
“You’re going to ride with me Cowboy. Mama’s on the circle horse…” It’s been a while since I’ve heard those words. I generally am not...

And your wife?
We moved to this faraway place in the Spring of 2011. Below is a post I had written not long after our move. I giggled a little when I...

The romance of ranching
Every day, we are up before the sun with the day’s tasks playing like a movie in our heads. This time of year, we watch the last few cows...

Is nothing sacred?
A friend of mine sent me a message after reading about the lady at the bank and asked me if I would write about the two most annoying...

Dear Lady at the Bank...
Last fall I went into the bank to deposit checks after we'd sold our calves. The lady at the front desk wasn't familiar with the company...

The other "E" word...
Did you just make the confused emoji face? Yeah, I know. "What other E word?" You'll see shortly... It's not a four letter word and most...

Win or lose, you get this right 100% of the time...
Win or lose... Succeed or fail... Reach goals or miss goals... This is the one thing you do, 100% of the time. You always get this...

The goat goes feeding...
Husbeast fired up the tractor this morning while Weebeast and I did chicken, dog and cat chores and burned some trash. When we all turned...