Beef Board Summer Meeting
Beef. It's what's for dinner.
Chances are, you've heard that ad or seen in on TV. The success of that ad is due in part to the Beef Checkoff. The Beef Checkoff is overseen by the Cattlemen's Beef Board. In March of 2016, I was nominated to serve on the Beef Board.
My first summer meeting was a bit of a blur. I have never served on a board of any kind before, so the whole system and procedure was new to me. They did have an orientation meeting that we attended so I was aware of what would happen in general. I do remember feeling like I walked around in a daze for that first meeting. And I'm about 1000% sure that was just me.
This year, and my second summer meeting was a lot better. I knew what to expect and was definitely more prepared for the experience.
During the summer meeting, we start off with a presentation highlighting projects that were approved by the board the previous year. Presenters share their results and update us on their findings. From there we head into our main task as board members.
Different groups and entities submit authorization requests for funding of projects that are dedicated to the research and promotion of beef. There are 5 committees ( Safety, Nutrition and Health, Innovation, Export Growth and Consumer Trust. Read more about them here.) and each has it's own mission, but all are tied to the beef industry's long range plan.

I serve on the Nutrition and Health Committee (I bet you are super surprised to hear that. :) ). As we listened to the different entities who presented their ideas and goals, we had specific objectives that we needed to keep in mind.
Purpose Statement: Develop credible science-based research to effectively communicate to consumers, key opinion leaders and beef community stakeholders in order to inform them about the nutritional and health benefits of beef.
Priority Strategic Initiatives:
Most Important
Ensure Beef’s Inclusion in Dietary Recommendations
Research and Communicate Beef’s Nutritional Benefits
More Important
Connect and Communicate Directly with Consumers
Revolutionize Beef Marketing and Merchandising
Ensure Antibiotic Stewardship
That's the business end of it...
My actual feelings about all of it this year, have changed from last year and I enjoyed listening to the presenters and asking questions, giving feedback and sharing ideas with them in order to help them make their objectives tie more closely to that long range plan.
I love being a part of something that is promoting beef. The marketing and innovations that are occurring and the research that is being done and shared are helping people learn about beef and in turn, buy more beef.
If you are unfamiliar with the checkoff or have questions about it or the beef board, send me an email and I will be more than happy to answer your questions!.
Oh and... #ilovebeef