Just a ranch horse…

He’s just a ranch horse….
He’s the pair of jeans you always reach for
because you know how well they fit.
He’s the trusty pickup you’ve had forever
because you can always count on it.
He’s a favorite pair of shoes
That always fit just right.
He’s your favorite cozy blanket
that keeps you warm on the coldest nights.
He’s the path you take on your way home
that has the prettiest views
He’s your favorite go-to meal
it’s the one you always choose.
He’s waiting for you at the gate
because there may be cookies in your hand.
He’ll drop his head into your halter
and patiently he will stand.
He’ll have a spring in his step
after many winter months at rest
When you point him toward the mountain
he’ll for dang sure give his best.
He’s the circle horse, the branding horse,
he’s up for sorting pen or alley
You cannot wear this sucker out,
rest him an hour and he’ll rally.
Load him up and haul him
to the neighbors or maybe to town.
It doesn’t matter where you point him
he will never let you down.
He’s plenty gentle and well mannered
but you best stay on your toes
He’ll take advantage of a sleeper
He’s smarter than he shows.
He’s social and a talker
He thinks everyone’s a friend.
You’ll learn to tolerate the occasional whinny
Because that’s a war you’ll never win
He’s just a ranch horse, folks,
but I’d say he’s done it all.
When you need an all around
he’ll be the one you call….