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Waiting on the nod

The morning sun cast shadows on them gathered in the yard

Stillness of the dawn is broken by trailer doors and “good morning “ calls

Horses raise their heads, ears flickering back and forth

Saddle leather squeaks, bits rattle, spurs ring as they climb aboard

A ride through the meadow, light dew melts away

Soft chatter of conversations awaken the anticipation of the day

Through the last gate, circle up, gathering directions, split off and ride

Boundary corners, hillsides, canyon draws, flats

Cows line out with calves, going somewhere, away, redirected

Across the way cattle appear on the horizon, riders in the drag

They all come together, cows bawling, calves breaking, dogs returning

Horses call to others, conversations begin again

The enclosure gates are swung together keeping the herd in

A sorting team develops, cows released, others tie up or hobble horses

The set up crew preps the fire, heating irons, mixing vaccine

Over the sounds of cattle, crackling fire and conversations, names are called

“Get your horse. You’re up this round.”

Cinch tight, rope down, waiting on the nod…



Meet Ruby

I am Ruby Uhart.  I'm a ranch wife, mom, bonus mom and teacher.  I'm a story teller and keeper of memories.  Thank you for visiting! 

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